I provide cultural consultation to the media on intercultural couples and social and political issues.

I was consulted by Annalisa Barberi on her article in the Guardian 'Do I need to leave my partner for the sake of my fragile son?’

I appeared in the Channel 4 programme 'Strangers Making Babies' and was listed in the credits as a consultant. 

 I spoke on the podcast The call for system explorations’

I was a guest on Season 2, Episode 2 of the educational podcast How does the social work?’

 I spoke with Anchal Seda in ‘My daughter-in law doesn’t listen’

I was featured on the radio show ‘Ladies, we need to talk’ on the topic of ‘Mum won’t come to our wedding’

I was a guest speaker for Magic Radio on a special program for Valentine’s Day, hosted by Katie Piper and Richie Sutton about Intercultural Couples.

My most recent article was about how families deal with Covid over Christmas https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-55319055https

I spoke to Huffington Post about the complexity of issues of ‘race’ and ethnicity.

I  was consulted as part of an article by Annalisa Barbieri in The Guardian on 19 June: 'I can't stand my in-laws. Why do I feel such rage towards them?'

I was again featured providing advice for an article by Claire Gilbody-Dickersonon BBC News on 23 June: 'Mum died and we were left to fend for ourselves'

I spoke to The Guardian in an article regarding finding long lost siblings.

I provided my opinion in the article ‘Does Britain still have an issue with interracial relationships’ for the Huffington Post.

I have contributed to The Guardian’s lifestyle section on ‘How not to worry about… family’, as well as providing commentary to The Daily Mail’s article on Meghan Markle growing up mixed-race.

On the occasion of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s 70th anniversary I was interviewed by Sky News on the subject of the changing face of marriage since the second world war.

I have also provided commentary for London’ Evening Standard on the impact of Brexit on family and couple relationships.

I am often asked to provide commentary on parenting issues and family relationships, for example this article in Junior Times on reducing conflict at mealtimes and this piece for the Daily Mail on resolving class differences between mothers and their children.   

I contributed advice and guidance on a Design Council Series called 'The Design Economy.' It was featured on the publishing platfrom Medium and my piece was called 'How the Internet of Things will change family life'.

When Wiley organised a webinar in response to the Syrian refugee crisis I was one of the three international panelists and journal editors discussing the refugee crisis with regard to Childrens' Welfare, Government Aid, Globalization Media Coverage and the Impact of Families.

Here's the microsite which explores the issues we covered in the webinar and which includes more than 180 free research articles and book chapters, other podcasts, and blog posts

Izzat (honour), sharam (shame) and the call for Systemic Explorations: a conversation with Doreen Robinson and Reenee Singh. Systemic Way podcast

I was invited to join a panel for OHTV's Real Talk, chaired by Trish Adudu, on the subject of child abuse and worked with HardCash productions on a documentary for ITV about forced marriages.

The Ham and High covered my work for 'Thinking Space. Race and Culture' at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, a public forum where Jaswinder Sanghera, the activist, spoke about forced marriages.

I have also contributed advice and commentary to newspapers such as the Guardian when an informed opinion is needed about family and culture related issues

I  contributed a piece on interracial, international relationships for the online newspaper 'Media Diversified', edited by Yasmin Gunaratnam

Dear Deidre Podcast with Scarlett Harlett on Gender Identity and Sexuality: https://lnns.co/ego1rWSVPYG